Cell4Pharma BV Netherlands

Cell4Pharma BV is a Dutch Bio-tech company that produces and commercializes human renal proximal tubule epithelial cell lines to perform in vitro toxicology assessments, with the aim to eliminate renal toxicity for compounds entering clinical stages of drug development; Cell4Pharma aims to lower drug failure during the clinical phase of drug development due to kidney toxicity.
To get more successful drugs to market, we empower researchers to accurately identify and eliminate nephro-toxic compounds during preclinical stages of drug development. We partner with CRO's to deliver our highly accurate and stable human renal ciPTEC Cell Lines to researchers of Bio-pharmaceutical companies and Academia
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
We are searching for CRO's as strategic partners in China to deliver our assay ready ciPTEC Cell Lines to researchers of Bio-pharmaceutical companies and Academia in China
Headquartner in China
Plan in China
Identify a strategic partner; commercialize and role-out our assay ready ciPTEC Cell Lines
Assets Information 1: Name|Description|Indications|Stage|IP countries
Human Renal Cell lines|human renal proximal tubule epithelial cell lines to perform in vitro toxicology assessments,|Toxicology testing|Ready to commercialize|Global license
Ron Byron

NLC European Healthtech Venture Builder Netherlands

NLC European Healthcare Venture Builder 是一家总部位于荷兰的欧洲医疗科技企业创设公司,在法国、德国和奥地利设有分支机构。NLC 每年筛选超过 3,000 项欧洲最新的医疗专利技术和发明,从中挑选出最具潜力的创新技术并创建公司。NLC 旗下已拥有数十家医疗科技企业,横跨治疗设备、诊断、影像、细胞疗法、AI 人工智能、神经网络、智慧医疗等国内热门医疗领域和紧缺方向,且在技术成熟度、治疗领域和技术类型上拥有充分的多样性,进一步分散了投资风险。
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Headquartner in China
Plan in China
NLC 已实现多家企业的成功退出,其中 1 家企业被中国大型连锁医疗机构收购。目前 NLC 正在寻求国内的战略合作伙伴,希望通过合作将更多欧洲优秀医疗项目带到中国落地
Ji Zhang
China Business Development 

Whale Bay & Co Netherlands

Whale Bay & Co is a boutique financing firm focused solely on the life sciences industry. Based in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and Basel (Switzerland) we serve SME's, investors and mid-size strategic companies in Biotech, Pharma, MedTech and Digital Health in the strategy and financial space: licensing, financing, M&A, valuation and outsources BD. We have a keen interest to expand our network and business into China. In the context of specific mandates we would like to connect with:

- pharma & medtech companies for outlicensing/JV collaborations with our clients
- investors looking for early and late stage pharma, biotech and medtech investment opportunities
- (FoF)investors interested in investment in funds
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Funding Status
Headquartner in China
Plan in China
Expand our network and look for partners /investors for our US and EU clients
Jasper Evers
Founding Partner 